413 D Street, Anchorage, AK 99501
(907) 274.2599
Watch ANHC’s website (www.alaskanative.net) for an announcement of reading times and details. Admission is free.
The first three days of November, the Alaska Native Heritage Center will celebrate a landmark in Native Theatre, when it presents to the public ten new plays written by Alaska Native playwrights. These plays developed during the inaugural year of ANHC’s Alaska Native Playwrights Project will receive their first staged readings at Cyrano’s Playhouse, November 1, 2 and 3, 2010. Each reading will be followed by a discussion, led by project staff and invited guests.
The goal of the project, is to “identify fifteen new Alaska Native playwrights (ten adults and five youth) who wish to tell stories as plays. They are provided mentors who are noted professional North American Native theater artists.
Writers received instruction on the fundamentals of writing for the stage from Native theatre professionals (playwrights, dramaturges, directors) from across the country including: Joy Harjo (Muskogee Creek). For the next seven months, the playwrights were guided by these Teaching Artists through the process of writing a one-act or full-length play on a subject of their own choice.