
Concert & Poetry Calendar: February and March

February 26

Vancouver Olympics

Aboriginal Pavilion

with Larry Mitchell



Theatre of the Soul

9:30 pm and 11 pm


West Georgia Street and Hamilton Street, Vancouver

March 13

Tucson Festival of Books

University of Arizona

University of Arizona Campus

Tucson AZ 85721


Solo Presentation / Sat 1:00 PM - 02:00 PM

March 23

Andover, MA

Merrimack College


11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Joy is a speaker.

Luncheon for the College Community

Limited seating for general public available contact mackenzieg@merrimack.edu

7 pm

Joy Harjo performs her one-woman play “Wings of Night Sky, Wings of Morning Light” with Grammy award-winning musician Larry Mitchell

Tickets $10

Free for Merrimack college students, faculty, and staff

March 25
Huron, Ohio
Bowling Green State University Firelands Campus
7-9 pm
Cedar Point Center Auditorium at Bowling Green
One University Drive, Huron, Ohio 44839


Could This Be Performance Art??

Pablo, my neighbor just fixed my garbage disposal. He helps me sometimes, he helps many of us here in the complex. He won't take pay so I bring him kona coffee, make cookies, etc. We always find something to laugh about--

In our condo complex we have a problem with a group of racist, white women who don't like those of us who are shades of brown and other than European ethnicities. They tried to force my daughter and her kids out of the swimming pool last summer, and did the same to a Chicano couple whose grandchildren were visiting. Two of the women were patrolling the grounds and stopped me and asked me what I was doing here.

This morning I told Pablo that this spring I am going to borrow some chickens and set up a (temporary) chicken yard in front of my condo, and a clothesline with clothes on it, mostly underwear. He cracked up, said he'd get a goat. We laughed and laughed thinking about the commotion that would cause. We're planning to do in on a warm day in March. We're going to record it.