
Computer Hell

Everyone with a computer knows this place. Your computer is fine when you log off. You log back off and suddenly there's nothing on the screen, or there's blinking, or, or....

Yesterday my main computer, everything began running excruciatingly slow. The night before it had been zippy, responsive. So, I go to my little travel laptop. I get the message "hard disk full, make more space". So I get rid of my whole iPhoto library, add tons of space. Still, within a few hours of using the computer, all the GB's that had show have dwindled to nothing. I get the same message again. There's a leak of GB's somewhere.

The Apple Store certifies both computers as fine. I'm told that the laptop just does that---
No, it doesn't. There's a RAM leak.

Right now I am on an online chat with a MobileMe tech because my iCalendar on which is listed all of my dates, appointments for the next two years is suddenly strange. Events are doubled, quadrupled. My whole to do list has disappeared.

In the skies Mars and Mercury are hanging out together. Mars energizes Mercury. Mercury rules computers. And around this time Mercury's about to go into what's called a "shadow" period. Steps back awhile for introspection. We have to double check and redo anything Mercurial. So I've been on the phone to the Motor Vehicle Department, etc etc. It hits some worse than others. Depends on your energy.

This is a bad one. I need a Mercury Whisperer.

1 comment:

  1. I sure hope you had a good backup system in place...
