
This Morning I Remember to Pray for Enemies

And whom do I call my enemy?
An enemy must be worthy of engagement.
I turn in the direction of the sun and keep walking.
It's the heart that asks the question, not my furious mind.
The heart is the smaller cousin of the sun.
It sees and knows everything.
It hears the gnashing even as it hears the blessing.
The door to the mind should only open from the heart.
An enemy who gets in, risks the danger of becoming a friend.

JH 9/21/07 ABQ, NM


  1. whoa! not that's disarming!
    awesome...it must have been really early in the morning...

  2. So Beautiful, So Wise, MVTO, Joy, Peace, Joan

  3. Thanks as always for your spirit, your wisdom.

    Here then my feeble response:

    Forgetting and Turning Back
    Sept 25, 2007

    When I forget
    I end up shadow boxing
    Some elusive enemy
    It is as engaging at the start
    as the Ramayana
    Told by Indonesian shadow puppet masters
    From behind the lit screen
    But as tiring in the end

    The relentless push
    Of retribution
    Is simply fed by the machinations
    Of restless mind

    Flight becomes fear
    And fear begets confusion of intent
    Loss of clarity
    And obstruction of heart

    So again I must intentionally
    seek the pilot flame
    Lit for the turning back
    the reminder
    Of heart’s wisdom
