
Report from Onondaga Nation

I wake up in another realm: the Sheraton in the city of Syracuse, in the Onondaga Nation.
I decompress with a shower, with water.
This morning I visit the Onondaga Nation School and get to spend a short time with students in the middle grades. I'm impressed overall with their engagement, their sense of presence.

Jasa Brooks is one of the students.

After, they leave to board the buses to go to the Longhouse. I am invited and jump on the bus with them. This is yet another realm. Today is the day the babies and some others are named. We dance. I am reluctant to leave.

Now I'm being picked up for a class, then soundcheck, then sleep if possible, dinner and then performance. A workout somewhere inbetween, and call my mother. That's how it goes.
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Sunday at Rocky Mountain National Park, I meet some deer.

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Call for Submissions:

The UCLA Indigenous Peoples' Journal of Law, Culture, & Resistance (IPJLCR)
would like to invite the community to submit creative contributions for
Volume III and IV of our journal. Creative writing and visual artwork
relating to education, law, activism, cultural resources, community,
leaders, mentors, or any other aspect of Indigenous peoples' lives is
welcome. Our Journal encourages you to share powerful views and expressions
of your most passionate interests. We look forward to receiving a wide range
of submissions.

IPJLCR is an interdisciplinary publication consisting of scholarly articles,
legal commentary, poetry, and artwork. The Journal accepts articles from
scholars, students, and community members about legal, political, and social
issues important to Indigenous communities in the United States and
throughout the world, as well as works by artists that relate to or comment
on these issues.

Please Submit All Submissions By: Friday, November 17th, 2006. Submissions
received after this date will be held for consideration for future issues.

Submission Guidelines:

Creative Writing

We encourage writers to submit works in the genres of poetry, short stories,
creative non-fiction, and prose. All submissions are kept by IPJLCR, so
please DO NOT send originals. Our journal requires all creative writing
submissions to be sent as both an electronic attachment and a hard copy.
Please submit all creative works in Microsoft Word format and three (3) hard
copies of the manuscript to our contact information listed at the bottom of
this email. Manuscripts over three (3) pages must be accompanied by a
digital copy on a 3.5" floppy disk. Submission must also include a cover
page with the author's name, address, and telephone number, and a short

Art & Photography

We also encourage submissions from visual artists. Drawings, photographs, or
reproductions should be no larger than 8"x10". We prefer that you not send
originals, but high-quality reproductions are essential. Again, we require
all art and photography submissions to be sent as both an electronic
attachment and a hard copy. Submission must also include a cover page with
the title, the artist's name, address, and telephone number, a short
description of the work, and a short biography. When submitting digital
works, please use one of the following graphic


Please mail submissions to:
UCLA School of Law
Attention: Submissions
Box 951476
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1476


Email to:

*Please note: UCLA IPJLCR does not provide an honorarium for any work
selected to be published.

In much appreciation,

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Enjoy your day.

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