
Murphy's Mule Barn, Posing, and a Chandelier

Twenty minutes before I leave for Murphy's Mule Barn for breakfast. They have excellent and cheap breakfasts. Good chile.

Another "native" music fraud is being uncovered. All it took was a native flute, fringes and a name beginning with "Chief". He got pretty far, including Native American Music Awards and Grammy nominations. Sometimes I think if I exchanged that wiley saxophone for a flute, wore fringes and posed, I'd have an in to the native music biz. Then....who wants it at that cost? Sometimes the music has to make its own unique door.

My beloved brother lives on disability, and his girlfriend fishes for a living. It's a scant living by any standard. His house needs a roof. Each leak is patched by tarpaper. They have to go somewhere else to shower. He's gifted, and generous to a fault. One of his weaknesses is gambling. Another, auctions. My mother called yesterday. He and his wife went to an auction and came home with a chandelier, and two organs. Chandelier? And neither of them play the organ.

Later with photos from the Gallup performance.


  1. Is there any way I can help?

  2. Hello, I am doing a research project on Native American authors. I would like to know how difficult was it for you to originally get your works published? How are you perceived by non-aboriginal and aboriginal readers? What is the difference? What or how do you contribute or give back to you community? How has not living on the reserve affected your writings? Thank you so much for your time.

  3. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I also have a loved one who makes decisions that don't always make sense to me. I struggle with how much to be involved.
    I just discovered your blog and want you to know that I have loved your work for years. You are an inspiration to me.

  4. For Dreamin,

    I often get asked these questions and others. Can't answer you personally. It's best to check the blog and other sources--Good questions.

    And oway--We all have our blind spots, our flaws and genius areas. Some of us wear them openly. Some not.

  5. For Dreamin,

    I often get asked these questions and others. Can't answer you personally. It's best to check the blog and other sources--Good questions.

    And oway--We all have our blind spots, our flaws and genius areas. Some of us wear them openly. Some not.
