
This is Why They Call Them Morning Glory(s)

c Joy Harjo September 6, 2006 Please ask for permission for any reproductions


  1. Joy, that is incredible. Would it be okay for me to create a pattern for my needlepoint? I would of course, send you the finished product.

  2. morning glory sings
    quiet elegance remindes
    of more peaceful times

  3. The close up is beautiful. Thanks for sharing the beauty you see.

  4. Yes, Lady Stephanie you can create a pattern for your needlepoint from the image. Send me a photo of the finished product and I'll share it.

  5. The morning glory is something I finally got settled enough to grow this year. I was excited to see that my house had a chain link fence - someone else described it as "an ugly chain link fence" but I knew immediately that it would be a support for my morning glory. I planted seeds and got 2 colors - a huge heavenly sky blue and a smaller red with a pink star.

    Every morning after sunrise I go out and see this wonderful creation.
