This is Joy Harjo's ongoing journal of dreams, stories, poems,music, photographs, and assorted reports from her inner and outer travels about Indian country and the rest of the world .
Facebook Break and Sunny Days Per Year
I'm quitting Facebook for awhile. Facebook scatters my thoughts far afield. I'm not reading, thinking, dreaming; I am not paddling beyond the shallows. The frequency of chatter is beguiling. There's community, catch up, even real news. I've followed Standing Rock that way--and friends and family. Taking a break so I can get work done, write, read, listen to music, make music, and remember what I came here to do. Even that's taking a beating these days. Trying to stay up. The season doesn't usually get me down. Today I realized that I am living in a place that has fewer days of sun a year than any place I've lived. Almost a month of clouds more than any other place--I will have to find a way.
When is a Debate Not a Debate
We've always been taught that leadership qualities include humility, compassion, a sense of fairness, the ability to listen, preparation and carry-through, a love for the people, and a strong spiritual center which begins with a connection to Earth. So many of our stories are built around what happens to braggarts, bullies, and those who are greedy and want only for themselves.
That is all.
Joy Harjo October 20, 2016
That is all.
Joy Harjo October 20, 2016
And Miles To Go...
I was so looking forward to the movie Miles Ahead, about the life/music of Miles Davis. Davis's horn is ethereal, in the beyond. And I used to listen to Sketches of Spain for hours. My spirit could travel beyond the hard edges of earth living and fly a little. Don Cheadle was and inspired director, and gave a believable portrayal of Miles, something hard to pull off. The story turned on Mile's addictions and his relationship with his wife Frances. Mile's music was essentially theme music, even as it underscored the movie Mile's motivation. What was most disturbing was the domestic violence. It slammed right up against an old life of mine and reminded me how what is beautiful can be broken into cutting edge pieces. He's still doing the same old thing. I broke free, and found someone who loves me. (That's an old old song, came generations before me.) And Miles was brilliant. Sometimes the finest art is made by those who are the most destructive. There's balance on this rugged earth: destruction and creation. And we are only human here as we reach for the divine in music, poetry or any of our arts, in the eyes of each other.
Muscogee Nation News Column for April 1, 2016
I don’t believe we have ever seen such a proliferation of
presidential debates, nor such an outrageous slate of candidates representing one
party in particular. One presidential candidate, whose name I won’t repeat
because to repeat it gives him power, leaves a hate wake behind him with nearly
every speech he makes. All this makes me wonder about the qualifications for
being a leader. What makes a leader has always been pretty much universal, but
given the current state of U.S. political affairs, it appears that being a
bully, hateful, and obnoxious have replaced the standard leadership
characteristics that include the ability to listen, fairness, and wisdom.
There are few legal qualifications for running for President
of the United States. You must be a natural born citizen, must be thirty-five
years of age, and a U.S. resident for at least fourteen years. The unspoken
qualification for running is the ability to garner enough financial and
political support.
When you consider the responsibilities of the presidential
role, which is essentially running all internal and external affairs for a
world power, then the lack of qualifications required is nothing less than astounding.
What makes for an honorable and wise leader includes these
character traits:
we help each other, no one is above anyone else;
we take responsibility;
community gain is above personal benefit; Responsibility/Emenhonrvke Tayat/to be loyal and reliable in all things;
to listen and pay attention to the wise ones, to continue to keep your ears open
more than your mouth;
And, Compassion/Vnoketkv,
a great tenderness for living beings and the living being-ness within all life.
These traits hold true for our own Muscogee Creek Nation, principal
chief candidates. The qualifications are also fairly minimum. Each candidate
must be at least one-quarter blood enrolled citizen, thirty years of age,
reside within the Creek Nation boundaries, be a registered voter for at least
six months, and the candidate must carry no felony convictions. (Up until 1973
the U.S. President appointed our principal chiefs. You can imagine how that
skewed qualifications.)
Candidates running for office in our nation should be
knowledgable in tribal history, government, (including the governments that a
chief and contemporary tribal government must deal with, such as the workings
of area municipalities, the state of Oklahoma, and federal government), and be
at least familiar with our traditional cultural knowledge and arts.
Why not test each candidate for this knowledge? We may even
want to consider a change in how we conduct our elections for principal chief
or even for national council members. In
the traditional way, those who know things watch for qualities of leadership in
those coming up. Leaders often reveal themselves early in childhood. Others
emerge later from the school of hard knocks. Leaders are chosen. They do not
assert themselves into these positions. And why not turn to a more traditional
manner of assigning leadership? Why not allow the community, those who know, to
put forth candidates based on their leadership traits, their commitment to service
to the people, their knowledge and abilities?
I don’t know as much as many others about these things, but I
do know this: talking politics or religion can sure get you into trouble—
Have a good one.
Muscogee Nation News Column (I'm back!!) February 2016
“There’s a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on”. Woke up to earth quaking the other morning. We have felt so many of them over here in Tulsa. And a few weeks ago we just swore in our new chief James R. Floyd, another kind of shift in the Nation. The inauguration was well-attended on a cold, bright winter day. I wondered at the absence of the previous chiefs. I didn’t see them there nor were any recognized from the podium. I assumed there would be some kind of handover or official ceremonial passing on of this important office of responsibility.
Chief Floyd gave a perfectly weighted and size of speech. It was inspirational, and to the point. I felt a spirit of vnoketckv moving through the people. We all have to work together--there is no other choice. And we need leaders who understand this. We are all in service no matter our background or standing. No one is above another.
The audience appreciated all the singing in the program that day. Wotko Long was one of our citizens who was called to the stage to sing. I met his father Harry Long many years ago when I lived a small while in the Phoenix area. His spirit shined with a great love for his people and he helped all of us Creeks who were trying to make a living far from home feel a little less homesick. His son Wotko’s singing has a soulful resonance that comes down through many generations of Mvskoke people.
Before Wotko sang he mentioned the passing of so many of our citizens this season. It's true. Every few days we've had memorials. He mentioned that Stephanie Berryhill had passed, and that her services were at two that afternoon in Henryetta. She had fought cancer for quite some time and we all knew she would be leaving here sooner than later. But it was too soon, and we didn't want her to go, not yet. She is one of those citizens who gave so much to her family, her community, to all of us. I first met her when she worked at the tribal communications office. She always welcomed me when I'd come wandering in from being far away. People at home can be suspicious of those of us who leave home and live away for whatever length of time. We always had very intense talks about our families, our people, and what we wanted to do to help. And lots of laughter. We grew a friendship. She took care of the culture and was supportive of efforts to make sure that the plants who came with us on the trail continued to thrive. We all need to take some time to look in on her family. They are bearing the brunt of her loss.
We have to put the grief somewhere. There is the fresh grief we carry when our beloved relatives are put to rest, and the collective grief of the nation from our forced walk from our homelands to this place where we have made a home together.
That night after the inauguration and service I went outside to take out the trash. I stopped under the immense dark sky and breathed the light of stars. I felt the shimmering walk of how we all move together as one person on a path of becoming. We will all make it.