This is Joy Harjo's ongoing journal of dreams, stories, poems,music, photographs, and assorted reports from her inner and outer travels about Indian country and the rest of the world .
Disappointment and Determination
Yesterday the National Council of the Muscogee Nation turned down money to help start an arts council to benefit all tribal members. It was a bare bones budget.It would have resulted in an online almanac of Mvskoke artists, an assessment of the state of Mvskoke arts and artists, an examination of other indigenous models, a five year strategic plan, finding the best housing in the tribe, a look at funding sources, and several artist projects involving youth and master artists.
I will meet with my working group and every member of the council, and we will try again. We will need the support and presence of everyone in the tribe who believes in the power of arts to express the spirit of the people, to renew.
"Things fall apart" and then they find a way to keep moving with beautiful integrity. I believe that vnvketka/love is the truth holding up the story matrix.